Do you even know what to expect from the Merchant Taylor's 3+ Assessment?
/A lot (a lot!) of parents that I speak to apply to this school at 3+ not knowing what to expect.
They think that the Assessment will be easy.
It won’t be.
They don’t understand how a two year old can be assessed.
They can be.
They think that their son is the most amazing human and that they will just go in to MT’s and have a play.
All parents think that their child is amazing.
They will go in and play BUT they will be being assessed whilst they are playing.
I love how clear and transparent MT’s are on their website when they explain the admissions process.
The 3+ Assessments this year will be in November. 4th and 5th of November to be precise. You have until the 11th of October to register.
The Assessment lasts 60 minutes.
This is important because this is a VERY long time for a 2 year old!
‘The activities are play based.’ Mostly yes. Some activities are not, so be aware of this.
You will have the option to leave your child and go and have a coffee in the room next door or you can also choose to stay with your child.
I recommend that you leave your child (if they are happy to be left!)
MT’s are looking for:
1) Signs that children will take direction from one of the teachers and respond to them.
2) Signs of sociability.
3) Language development.
Very clear, very concise and very transparent.
If your child does not demonstrate all three of these in their 3+ Assessment at MT’s, they will not be successful.
It is very rare that I speak to a parent who took the time to prepare their child for this 3+ Assessment. It is also very rare that I speak to parents who tell me that they did this and were successful.
Currently, I am preparing 2 boys for MT’s for their 3+ Assessment.
Don’t be surprised about this.
You want your son to go to Merchant Taylor’s?
Prepare them.