3 Character Traits of Girls Who Passed the Glendower 4+ Assessment.

Glendower is a popular school amongst our clients at CMT preparing their girls for their 4+ Assessments. We have prepared many girls to be very successful at being offered a place at Glendower at 4+.

We have observed that the girls who historically pass the 4+ Assessment at Glendower have these 3 character traits…

Does your daughter have them?

If not, don’t worry, you can support her to develop these character traits with the best Assessment preparation.

1. Girls who are willing to have a go at most things.

Even if it is challenging. Even if they don’t feel like doing it. Even if they don’t know the answer. These girls have the confidence to just have a go. To try anyway.

2. Girls who are not afraid to get things wrong.

Girls who have the confidence to try anyway. They are not afraid of getting it wrong. They have the courage to have a go anyway.

3. Girls who are calm and exude a quiet confidence.

I’ve noticed that it’s usually the quietly confident girls who are successful.

So confidence is key at this school. Not loud confidence. Quiet confidence.

Confidence is what we work on every single week in our lessons with our girls who are preparing for their 4+ at Glendower.

We know exactly what this school is looking for in their prospective new students and that is how we have the incredible success that we have year after year after year.

Book your Sample week today.

5 ways to know if your child is not ready for their 4+ Assessments?

1.     Your child has no desire to be left somewhere new and unfamiliar to them.  

 When you take your child somewhere new, they do not want to leave your side. They cry and make a fuss. You’ve tried several new activities and still your child doesn’t want to leave your side and still they refuse to go in without you.

Your child is not ready to go to a 4+ Assessment.

 2.     Your child doesn’t listen well.

 When you ask your child a simple yes or no questions, they ignore you. When you read them a story, they don’t listen and they run off. When other children talk to your child, they have no interest in what they are saying.

 If your child doesn’t listen well, they are not ready for a 4+ Assessment.

 3.     Your child doesn’t focus for long periods of time and they lose concentration quickly.

By long periods of time, I mean for at least 10 minutes. If you observe them listening to a story at their nursery and they are looking everywhere else but at the book being read to them, they are not ready for a 4+ Assessment. If you ask your child to complete a 6 piece puzzle and they put two pieces together and quickly lose interest in the rest of the puzzle, they are not ready for a 4+ Assessment

 4.     Your child doesn’t work well independently and they give up quickly.

Does your child constantly ask for your help rather than having a go? Is your child able to sit and complete some learning independently and not have to seek approval? Does your child give up quickly when something is a little challenging for them? If so, they are not ready for a 4+ Assessment.

 5.     Your child needs work on teamwork.

 If your child hasn’t developed excellent team working skills, they are not ready for a 4+ Assessment. This will be of course something that your child’s nursery will need to support them with as this will be where your child will most likely be with other children.

 All of these skill can be worked on with a focused and dedicated approach so please don’t worry if your child is not quite there yet.

 We support all of our students to be able to accomplish each and every one of these skills.

Book your Sample Week today.



5 ways to know if your child is ready for their 4+

Please note that I am talking about ‘ready to go into their 4+’ and not ‘ready right now’. Your child may absolutely not be ready right now but may be ready in a few months time with the right preparation and support.

1.     Your child is happy to be left alone somewhere new and unfamiliar to them.

 As in when you take them somewhere new that you’ve never taken them before, they happily leave your side and go in. Remember that you do not want your child to be upset when you leave them at their 4+ Assessment. Obviously, this is not really fully in your control. We don’t know how your child will react. However, you can 100% prepare your child to go in happily and calmly. We have many strategies available which we share with our clients to work on with their children in the lead up to their 4+ Assessments.

2.     Your child is an excellent listener.

I am fully aware that children can behave differently with their parents compared to other people. I see it every day with my own son. The way he listens to me is certainly different to the way that he listens to his teachers. But for the most part, when I do learning with him, he is aware of my expectations and that when we are doing structured learning that I do expect him to listen to me. It works both ways doesn’t it? I listen to him so he also listens to me. He really doesn’t like it when I don’t listen to him! Your child will need to listen perfectly to the assessors and also to the other children in the 4+ Assessment. They might be expected to listen to a story in its entirety. They might be expected to listen to questions being asked. They might be expected to listen and respond to the opinions of other children being assessed with them.

3.     Your child demonstrates excellent focus and concentration skills.

 Some of these assessments are as long as 90 minutes but most are between 40 and 60 minutes and the expectation will be that you child is able to focus for the whole time. That is up to you to prepare them so that they are able to do this. We have many strategies that we use with our students to support them to have the best focus and concentration skills.

 4.     Your child works well independently and demonstrates resilience.

 Can you leave your child to sit and study independently for at least 10 minutes? Your child will be observed completing their learning independently. You child will need to demonstrate resilience and not ask for help immediately if they get stuck on a task.

 5.     Your child works well as part of a group and demonstrates excellent team working skills.

How does your child work as part of a group? Your child will need to demonstrate excellent team working skills. They will need to be able to share well, show kindness and patience towards others and be able to listen well to the opinions of others. This is a big expectation at this age but certainly one that can be practised either at home or at their nursery setting. If your child goes to nursery, ask their key worker for regular feedback and updates about how your child does when faced with a group task. Never just assume that your child does this well. Also, ask them to support your child in preparation for this aspect of the 4+ Assessment.

Please don’t worry if your child doesn’t fulfil all 5… yet. That’s up to you to ensure that they are. With the right support and guidance, this will be easy to achieve.

Book your Sample Lesson today.

Why is Merchant Taylors so hard to pass at 4+?

Expectations are high and places are low.

And also because most places are offered to boys already in the Nursery (those who got in at 3+)

Your son will have to be one of the ‘strongest applicants’ in order to even be considered for a place at Merchant Taylors. It is a group assessment with 10-15 other boys however your son will also be assessed on a 1:1 basis.

MT’s write that their assessments are not challenging but I firmly disagree. They are challenging and a lot will be expected of your son.

MT’s are looking for ‘teachability’ and ‘sociability’ so basically how easy your son will be to teach and how they are socially (with both adults and children). MT’s are looking for children who are focused and alert and who have the capacity to answer all questions asked to a very high standard. The nursery report will be very important for this assessment too.

I personally think MT’s is very hard to pass because most parents do not understand that they need to start preparing their children at least 12 months before the assessment. By leaving it too late, you simply will not have time to cover all of the curriculum that needs to be covered. Therefore it will be very hard for your son to pass. Remember that they will be given an overall percentage based on the assessment criteria. You need to know what the criteria will be in order to be in with a chance of them passing. If you don’t know the criteria, it’s up to you to either educate yourself and learn the criteria or to work with someone who knows it like the back of their hand!

If you are preparing for MT’s, we have incredible success. Each year we prepare at least 1-2 students and each year at least one of our students is offered a place to study at this school.

Book your Sample Week today.

10 things you need to know about the 4+ Assessments at UCS

  1. There are only 32 places available to start Reception at UCS. At least 500 boys will apply to sit their Assessment at UCS every single year.

  2. It is encouraged that you book a tour of the school via the school office. I encourage all parents to always visit the schools that they intend to send their children to. This seems obvious but I’ve spoken to many parents who send their nannies or assistants on the school tours.

  3. Assessments for UCS are held in January (the year of your child starting Reception)

  4. Your child will be assessed using 3 criteria

  • How ready they are for school

  • Sibling already at the school (note that just because there is a sibling already at the school, that you child is not guaranteed a place). They still need to pass the assessments! Again, seems obvious but many of you think that the sibling policy is strong at UCS and that’s not the case.

  • Nursery report requested

    5. Application deadline is Friday 10th October 2025. Registering early makes no difference.

    6. UCS will tell you that ‘preparation is not needed.’ This is not the case.

    7. UCS will tell you that it is a ‘playdate assessment’. It’s up to you what you make this mean. Your child will go in and ‘play’ sure but they will most definitely not be going on a playdate.

    8. You have a registration fee of £180 to pay to apply for the UCS 4+ Assessment.

    9. Boys who demonstrate calm and maturity are the boys who are usually successful.

    10. Boys who have strong fine motor control, are able to write and colour in and have a strong mathematical foundation are usually successful.

    Book your Sample Week today!

Prepare for South Hampstead like an expert in 3 easy steps

With only 24 places available at South Hampstead High School, you really don’t want to leave it up to chance or good luck if you desire to send you daughter to this school at 4+. However if your daughter is unsuccessful at 7+, you do have the opportunity to try again at 7+ and the school also has 24 places available at this entry point. If I personally had a daughter and I wanted her to go to South Hampstead however, I would do everything in my power and in my control to support her to pass her 4+ Assessments. 7+ is far harder with a lot more preparation needed.

We had 100% success this year. We prepared 2 girls for their 4+ Assessment at South Hampstead and both girls passed. One girl was offered a place immediately and one girl was waitlisted and offered a place a week later. So 2/24 girls going to South Hampstead this year were prepared by us!

Here is how you can start to prepare for South Hampstead like an expert in 3 easy steps.

1. Understand that being grouped by birth month really means nothing.

Your daughter will be grouped with peers of the same or similar age but this really doesn’t mean anything. Summer born girls are assessed in the exact same way as their Autumn/Winter born peers.

2. You will be told that your daughter will not be asked to read and write and you will ignore this.

If you want your daughter to pass her assessment at South Hampstead, you will prepare her to read and write.

3. You will prepare her to be at a very high standard mathematically

Whether you invest into your own math scheme of learning or you invest in high quality tuition, if you want your daughter to pass her 4+ Assessment at South Hampstead, you will prepare her to be very academically strong mathematically.

This does not mean just covering place value by the way. This means covering addition and subtraction, geometry and positional language to name a few.

Hundreds and hundreds of girls will be applying for 24 places. I would safely assume that 400 girls will be applying. You do the math!

Book your Emerald Curriculum Sample Week today!

3 signs you are confused about the 4+ Assessment process.

I now personally speak to hundreds of parents every single month. I feel nothing but love and respect for each parent that I speak to. I know that they are trying their best. I know that they have their child’s best interests at heart. I know that all they want is for their child to be successful in their 4+ Assessments.

But there is still so much confusion around the 4+ Assessment process.

I spoke to to two parents yesterday who were both unsuccessful at getting their daughters into their top 2 schools of choice at 4+. They both prepared with other companies (I did not ask the name of these companies) and they both received group tuition in preparation for their 4+ Assessments.

Group tuition is not sufficient for 4+ Assessment success. That is my opinion.

Both parents spoke about their frustrations about their daughters not passing their 4+ Assessments at their target schools and it honestly broke my heart. All of this frustration could have easily been avoided with the correct guidance and the correct preparation.

Both parents told me that their daughters had had 3 months of tuition. Not enough.

Both parents told me that their daughters had been going to nursery full time since they were 2. Irrelevant when it comes to the 4+. Sorry but that is my opinion.

Both parents told me that they were confused about why their daughters were unable to pass because both of their daughters were very academically able according to their teachers at their nurseries. Being academically strong is not enough. There is far more to it than this.

Here are 3 signs you are confused about the 4+ Assessment process.

1. You leave less than 3 months before starting to prepare your child for their 4+ Assessment.

It is not enough time given all of the curriculum that you need to cover.

2. You don’t know the expectations of the school/s in their 4+ Assessments.

If you are not aware of the expectations, how will you ever prepare your child for success?

3. You are unaware of the reasons children have historically not passed their 4+ Assessments at your target schools.

If you don’t know this, how can you try to avoid these things?

Don’t be confused, be prepared.

Choosing the best education for our children is one of the most important decisions we will every have to make as parents. I take this very seriously.

Do you?

Or do you expect that someone else will do it for you?

No body and I mean no body cares about the success of your child more than you do.

Can maturity be taught?

A parent said to me that maturity is something that a child is born with. She said to me that maturity is inherent. She told me that I would not be able to teach her child maturity.

She’s right about the last point. I completely disagree with her first two points.

Maturity is not something that we teach our children but it is something that we can model. It is something that we can explain. It is something that we can practise. You don’t take a class in maturity - I get that. But if you want your child to pass their 4+ Assessment at a top school, they need to be able to go in and demonstrate maturity. And if they don’t, guess what? They most likely will not pass.

Many of you assume that maturity is either something a child has or hasn’t got. And I disagree. I believe that all of our children’s characters will be 50:50. They will have good days and they will have bad days. They will have days in which they are super calm and they will have days in which they are not.

So if your child is currently ‘not demonstrating maturity’, I invite you to make a note every single day of just one time in the day in which your child demonstrated maturity. At the end of the month, I guarantee your notebook will be full.

Perhaps your child says ‘You’re welcome!’ when you say thank you to them. Perhaps they hold the door open for you as you walk past, perhaps they give you eye contact and respond to your question in a really clear and concise manner.

All children have the ability to be mature. All children have the ability to demonstrate maturity. It just has to be practised.

So no we do not teach our students how to be mature but we do practise maturity in each and every lesson. And that is why when they go into their 4+ Assessments, they are able to go in and show mature behaviour and mature attitudes towards their learning. This is because they clearly understand that this is the expectation.

And yes, three year olds have the ability to do this! I see it year after year after year.

The main reason my son is having an explosion of vocabulary at 32 months.

My son has an expansive vocabulary. I don’t count words and I don’t compare him to others. I don’t look at where he ‘should be’. But I know for a fact that his vocabulary is incredibly broad.

There is a reason for this. Well actually there are a few reasons for this. But the main reason is that he has read over 1000 books since birth. We are incredibly fortunate that Joshua’s grandmother is a reading recovery specialist and she provides us with hundreds of books. Obviously Joshua is also very fortunate because myself and his father also provide him with hundreds of books. He has been exposed to a variety of genres and variety of books since he was born.

We started reading all sort of books to him since he was born. We read physical books but we also read online books.

I can safely say that he is obsessed with books.

He does have his top 5 favourites which are the ones we read all the time. But he does also just love listening to us read to him for pleasure. He hasn’t gone one night without us reading him at least one book. In the car, there is always an audio book on. If I am cooking, I always have an audio book on for him. Every morning, I have a selection of books laid out for him to choose.

At 32 months, he can sustain a full conversation with me. He speaks in full sentences and he understands me when I use words that I don’t even think he would know yet! His recall memory is exceptional.

His vocabulary has well and truly exploded.

The other reason for this vocabulary explosion is that we are constantly talking to him and he is constantly talking to us. Sometimes he even talks to himself!

So if you’re looking to expand your child’s vocabulary, read to them and read to them consistently. And remember that you don’t even have to spend a penny if you don’t want to! We have amazing libraries!

The most important aspect of 4+ Assessment Success

I like to see the 4+ Assessment like a 100 piece puzzle.

Fit all the puzzle pieces together and you will have 4+ Assessment success. Leave huge gaps in your puzzle and you will not have 4+ Assessment success.

All of the pieces hold a high value but there is one piece that holds the highest value. If your child is able to hold this puzzle piece, they will hold the most important aspect of 4+ Assessment success.

This piece is… drumroll please… CONFIDENCE.

Confidence in themselves. Confidence in their ability. Confidence to be able to complete all of the activities that they are asked to complete. Confidence to answer all of the questions that they are asked. Confidence to solve more complex problems. Confidence to just have a go. Confidence at not being afraid to get something wrong. CONFIDENCE is the most important aspect of 4+ Assessment success.

Confidence does not mean being loud. So don’t worry if you’re child has a quieter confidence. This is just as amazing. Shy children can also demonstrate confidence.

How do you support your child to develop their confidence skills?

You must allow them the opportunity to get things wrong and be okay about it. Too many times, I see parents helping their children straight away when they can’t do something. Just let them be unable to do it. Let them struggle with placing the lego piece on top of another lego piece. Let them be frustrated. Don’t do it for them straight away If they ask for your help - that’s different!

My son (32 months) has developed the most beautiful confidence through getting things wrong. Through being frustrated. Through being tasked to try again. Through saying no and then coming back to it. He is not a loud, confident boy. He is a quiet, confident boy who is always telling me, ‘I will do it by myself!’

He would score highly in the confidence part of the 4+ Assessment. How would your child do?

Analyse the term 'play date' Assessment with me...

This is a term that 90% of parents will read and believe.

This is a term that will lead to failure.

The 4+ is not a play date.

The following schools use the term ‘play date’ when describing their 4+ Assessment process…

South Hampstead High School


Notting Hill and Ealing

All three schools are 100% not ‘play date’ assessments as in you will not be sending your child in to be assessed about how well they ‘play’. Every single child has the ability to ‘play’.

So be very careful about thinking that the 4+ Assessment at any school will be a play date. Do not tell your child that they are going on a play date and manage your expectations very carefully if you do either of the above when it comes to receiving the results.

We are deep in our work currently preparing our students for their 4+ Assessments for over 20 different top inner and outer London schools. We do play in our lessons and I do plan for my clients to engage in ‘play’ activities every single day. Obviously! Our students are currently 2 and 3 years old. In fact, some of our students are not even two yet! (2027 entry students!)

Many parents ask me WHY the schools tell them this if it isn’t the case? Who cares?

I would invite parents to ask me questions relating to HOW their children can have the best possible chances of passing their 4+ Assessments.

If you want to believe that you are paying between £150 and £300 to send your child for ‘play date’ that’s up to you. That’s an expensive play date!

You are sending your child into a highly complex assessment.

One that is 100% not a play date.

Do Nursery reports matter in the 4+ Assessment process?

Of course they do.

Why else would these schools ask for them?

Now it’s important to understand that not all schools at 4+ will ask for a report from your child’s nursery but some will. A quick phone call to the school to ask them will answer your question about whether or not they will ask for a report.

Some schools will ask for a report if they are unsure about something or need further clarification.

Nursery reports are important and here is why.

Let’s picture a top school like Westminster as an example. Westminster will most likely request a report from your child’s nursery for the 4+ Assessment process. Imagine three or four assessors sitting down with all of the applicant’s reports. Which reports will stand out to them?

Will it be children who are mostly working towards age related expectations?

Will it be children who are mostly meeting age related expectations?

Will it be children who are above age related expectations?

Will it be children who are significantly above age related expectations?

Think about it carefully.

It’s obvious isn’t it?

Your child’s form tutor/key worker comments will also be important. How they write about your child will be important. Their targets will also be important.

Here is what most reports will be assessing:



Communication and Language Development

Art and Design

Physical Development

PSED (Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Understanding of the World

Obviously the actual Assessment will be far more important than the Nursery report but the Nursery report does and will matter in your child’s 4+ Assessment.

It is at your child’s Nursery’s discretion if they will share the report with you or not. They do not have to share the report with you. You can of course ask but they can say no to showing you.

Nursery practitioners are excellent at writing these reports and their scoring will be factual and accurate. They will know your child very well and be able to paint a clear picture about their current levels and abilities.

Don’t just leave it to them. Help them by ensuring your child is prepared to the highest possible standards by you as their parents. Remember that is is not the nursery’s responsibility that your child does well in their 4+ Assessment. That is your responsibility.

What I look for in a Nursery compared to what you might look for.

As parents, we all value different things. As parents, we all have different expectations when it comes to the nurseries that we choose for our children. I speak to so many parents therefore I have heard so many different comments about what parents are looking for when they are looking for nurseries for their children to attend.

First of all, it’s vital that you understand that there is no right or wrong here. There is only ever what is ‘right’ for your child. Who decides that? You do.

I thought it would be interesting to share with you what I personally look for in a Nursery. Because I personally worked in Nursery settings since I was 18, I have an excellent inside knowledge and understanding about how nurseries work and what goes on inside a nursery.

When I was choosing the Nursery for my son (when he was 9 months old), I chose three nurseries to look at. For me personally, location was key. I did not want to spend more than 15 minutes reaching my son’s Nursery. I wanted a Nursery that was close to my home. Mainly just in case anything happened and I needed to collect him but also because I would need to be home to work on my businesses for as many hours as I could.

Next, I was looking at pricing. I do not equate a higher priced nursery to better quality care as I know a lot of you do. I wanted pricing to be fair and to reflect the care that my son would be receiving. Let me give you an example of the pricing points that I looked at.

Nursery 1 Twisty Tails Colindale - (my son’s current Nursery) £55 per half day.

Nursery 2 - Bright Horizons Colindale £214.80 per full day (they do not offer half day options)

Nursery 3 - Fountain Montessori Colindale I don’t have these to hand but it was similar pricing to Nursery 2.

So there was a huge pricing difference. We are not eligible for any childcare support at age 2 and I will need to see what we are eligible from age 3.

Twisty Tails seemed a fair price to me. I also liked that they offered half days which is what I was looking for personally.

Please note that I never look at pricing for the sak

e of saving money. I look at pricing that I believe to be fair for the service that I am receiving. My son deserves the best of the best and I will always provide the best of the best for him.

The most important factor in my decision was the quality of care provided. When I visited the three nurseries, I was looking very closely at how the teachers interacted with their students. I wasn’t that interested in the facilities as I know many of you are. A nice garden is lovely to look at sure but I’d rather have a less nicer garden and a higher quality of interaction between the practitioners and my son.

Twisty Tails was the nursery that I believe showed me the highest quality of care. I loved the way the teachers interacted with their students. I loved their energy and enthusiasm. I loved that they were on the floor fully engaged with all of their students. I loved that when I saw one of the children crying that one of the teachers was over immediately to care for him.

Many of you tell me that you value cleanliness but at the end of the day we are sending our children into small rooms filled with a lot of other children! How clean do you expect it to be?

And just because you are paying a higher price point, does not mean that the nursery will be cleaner than one with a lower price point. That all depends on the time allocated for staff to clean the Nursery. Germs are germs and they will spread in any setting!

I do look at the curriculum but it’s not that important to me because I cover the curriculum with my son. What I want is the highest quality of care whilst he is there. What I want is to collect a happy boy who wants to tell me all about his day. What I want is no tears when I drop him off or collect him. This is a huge red flag flag for me. If he doesn’t want to go in, I want to know why.

Choosing a nursery for our children is a very important decision. We only want the best of the best for our children. Think about what is important to you and look for that. Don’t take notice of what others tell you. This is your child.

Why was her child able to pass without preparation?

She’s lying to your face.

Sorry to be so blunt but it is true.

If somebody tells you that their child passed their 4+ Assessment at a top school like Haberdashers and NLCS and they tell you that they did zero preparation for it – they are lying to you.

 I spoke to a parent yesterday who told me that she did not believe me when I say that all children who passed a 4+ Assessment were prepared. She told me that her friend’s son was able to pass the Habs’ Boys’ 4+ Assessment without any preparation.

 I asked her what she meant by this?

She told me that his mother did nothing with him to prepare him for his 4+, she just sent him to a Clowns Nursery. She seemed to be very proud of this. 

I asked her if this mother never did any phonics, maths or puzzles with her son and she said that this parent literally told her that she did nothing. She ‘left it to the Nursery!’

 Absolute lies.

 And people who spread these lies do not have your best interests at heart. People who spread these lies do not want your child to pass their 4+ Assessments. And that’s just sad.

And to end – why would you be so proud to tell others that you’ve done nothing with your child for the first nearly 4 years of their lives?

 I personally don’t think that’s anything to shout about.

Parents who want to leave their child’s 4+ Assessment success in the hands of others rather than take full ownership for the success that their child will ultimately have are not the parents that we work with. We work with parents who are hands on, who take the time, energy and effort that it takes to prepare their children, with the support of my amazing team, to have incredible success. We work with parents who fully understand the complexity of this 4+ Assessment process and who take hours and hours of their own time each and every day to support their children with with their learning.

 Prepare your child for their 4+ Assessment and prepare them well.

 That is all I have to say.

And if you choose to listen to the opinions of others, do so with caution.  



My child is only 3 – will they REALLY be expected to read and write?


Why is that so hard to believe?

My son is nearly 32 months old. He will be 3 in July. Developmentally, he isn’t reading his phase 2 phonics sounds and he is able to currently only write the number 1 independently. Would he be able to sit a 4+ Assessment in the next 7-11 months? Probably. With consistent focus and daily practise of what will be expected of him. Without that – then absolutely not. And I would never, ever send him into any 4+ Assessment without being ready to do so. Why would I? Of what benefit would that be to him? Of what benefit would it be to me? To spend £150 on a registration fee to just be told no. I can invest that £150 into something else for my son thank you very much. Why would I put my son through a 4+ Assessment only to be told that he hasn’t been successful?

And it’s not just £150 because if I do decide to sit my son for his 4+ Assessments, he will be attending at least 6-7 Assessments. You do the maths!

So if your target schools tell you that they will not be assessing reading and maths, please just smile and move on. A top inner London school for example tells parents that they do not assess reading and maths. Every year they do. And every year they place a huge importance on the children having very strong phonic knowledge and awareness.

 Why would you send your child into a 4+ Assessment if you are not willing to put in the work?

 You do realise that your child is being assessed right? You do realise that the schools will have their own Assessment criteria and you do realise that your child will be graded (given a percentage)?

How will your child do if they are asked to read several different sounds off a page and they can’t read any of them?

How will your child do if they are asked to write their name and they are unable to do it?

 How will your child do if they are asked to write their numbers and they cannot do this?

Question everything when it comes to your child’s 4+ Assessment success. It is far too important to take lightly. This is the future of your child that we are talking about? This is the highest quality learning and education possible for your child that we are talking about.

Book your Assessment Consultation Discovery Call to ask me anything at all about your child’s Assessment preparation.

Don't just look at exit results when choosing your schools.

Many parents I speak to are drawn to the exit results of a school like a moth to the flame. This is important of course, however I encourage you to examine other factors more closely.

Of course if you are reading this blog it is because you want your child to go to the best school for them. You are looking for academic excellence and you want a school that will challenge your child and provide them with a broad curriculum. You are willing and able to invest a lot of money into your child’s education because an excellent education is something that is incredibly important to you.

Many of my own clients are applying to the best schools out there. However, they always have to choose 2 or 3 back ups. And when they are looking at the back up schools, they often tell me about the exit results (where the year 6 pupils end up going for their Secondary education). This is great and of course you must do your research. However this is not the only thing that you should look at.

This is because all of these children will have received external support to help them to gain entry into these top schools. And if you don’t believe me, that’s fine. And if you think I’m not being honest, this is not the blog for you. And if you think it’s the schools responsibility to prepare your child because you are paying them thousands and thousands of pounds, you are wrong.

I am being very honest. I teach children all over the country who go to top schools like Manor Lodge, Haberdashers, Glendower, Faulkner House and Radlett Prep (to name just a few for you) and I support them to be very successful to be offered a place at their schools of choice at 11+.

Of course, the schools support my students. I am absolutely not taking that away from them. But you cannot just count on the school to be responsible for the success of your child. That’s up to you. Remember that they have 20-25+ children to teach.

So look at the exit results but also look at the school as a whole. What do you personally like about the school? Is it the quality of the teaching? Is it the pastoral care? Is it the extra curricular activities the school offers? Is it the small class sizes? Is it the warmth and ambience that you loved when you went on your tour of the school.

Look at these more closely than you look at the exit results.

Be aware of the schools that have a sibling policy and those that do not.

This is important because if you are unaware, you won’t fully understand the entrance process.

I have spoken to several parents who have had a deep misunderstanding of the sibling policies at the schools that they applied to send their children to at 4+ and this led to them being deeply surprised when their child was then unsuccessful to their school/s of choice.

Don’t let this catch you out. Make sure that you are fully aware about the sibling policies at all of the schools that you are applying to send you child to.

Let me give you a few real examples of parents that I have spoken to previously.

I spoke to one father who was applying to Habs’ Boys’ School for 2025 entry. He called me and told me that he wasn’t worried because he was alumni at Haberdashers. I told him that literally meant nothing and he did not believe me. Another parent called me and told me that his older son was already at Habs’ Boys’ school and therefore it would be easier for his younger son to be offered a place. I told him this was absolutely not the case. Again, he did not believe me and he did not prepare his son. His son did pass the first round (as most boys I know did this year) but he did not pass the second round. Another one of my students passed his 7+ Assessments at Habs’ Boys’ School and I also prepared his sister for the 4+. She did not pass her 4+ and her 7+ Assessments. But she did pass her 11+ !

Other schools such as Faulkner House have a very strong sibling policy. Therefore it is important to know that it will be very difficult to pass the 4+ at this school as the majority of the places are offered to siblings.

Knowledge is absolute power when it comes to the 4+ Assessments.

If you would like to empower yourself, book an Additional Consultation with me and I will answer all of your questions. We have been preparing children to be very successful at all top inner and outer London schools for over 15 years now. Let us help you too.

'Don't tutor your child for the 4+ Assessments!'

The schools you visit WILL tell you to not prepare your child for their 4+ Assessments.

The schools WILL tell you that tuition is not necessary for the 4+ Assessments.

Expect them to tell you this.

Perhaps you should turn around and ask them why this is.

They will tell you that they will be able to tell who has been ‘tutored’. And you will probably believe this too. You will trust what they say to be the truth.

If they tell you this, perhaps you should ask them how they know.

Remember, you are the one who wants your child to pass their 4+ Assessments at the school.

It really saddens me that a parent would send their precious child into a 4+ Assessment with zero preparation. How do you expect that child will do?

I would never send my son to a 4+ Assessment unprepared. It’s obviously up to you what you choose to do.

How do you expect that they will do compared to hundreds of children who have received formal preparation for their 4+ Assessment? How will they compare to children who have spent nearly 12 months working hard preparing for their 4+ Assessment?

They will not do well and they will most likely not pass. This is not just my opinion. This is actually what I’ve seen happen year after year after year.

Hundreds of children are applying for very few places. If your child isn’t prepared, please do tell me how they will pass their Assessments?

If there are hundreds of children applying for very few places, who do you think will be successful?

Will it be the child who knows how to answer questions or the child who doesn’t?

Will it be the child who knows how to write their name or the child who doesn’t?

Will it be the child who knows how to hold their pencil or the one who doesn’t?

These are just a few of the skills that need to be taught!

Applying to even sit Assessments at these Top schools costs a lot of money, why risk being unsuccessful when you can go all in and ensure that your child is as ready as they can be to really shine!

Sending your child to a top school like Haberdashers for example will cost you around 23k per year (pre-prep - Year 2)

If you prepare your child for 6 months with Creative Minds Tutors for their 4+ Assessments, you are investing around £1500. If you prepare them for 9 months, you are investing around £2,250. I think that’s an investment worth spending to ensure the best possible chances of success for your child at your dream school of choice.

You choose if you want to listen to what you are told. Or you can join hundreds of my clients who have chosen to take assessment preparation into their own hands and ensure that their children are prepared to the highest possible standards to even have a chance of passing their 4+ Assessments.

The MAIN problem when you listen to what other people tell you about the 4+ Assessments.

Do you know the only person you should be listening to and paying attention to?

Your child.

If you focused purely on your child for 12 months, I guarantee you will have far higher chances for success in their 4+ Assessments.

Here is the main problem when listening to what other people say when it comes to the 4+ Assessment.

You are playing a comparison game that you will NEVER win.

Comparing your child to other children is the most frustrating thing that you could ever do as a parent.

Just expect that as soon as you start to prepare for the 4+, everyone around you will seem to have an opinion.

Expect people to say things like…

‘Your child is two what is wrong with you?’

‘You’re tutoring your 2/3 year old?’

‘Your child is 3/4, what on earth could they even be asked to do?’

‘It’s ridiculous to tutor a 2 year old.’

‘My child could already read/write count to 20 by that age!’

‘Do not tutor your child for this and that school.’

If you expect it, it will be easier to prepare yourself to gently smile and stay in your own lane.

My son is not preparing formally for a 4+ Assessment (he is 31 months old) but I have had a bespoke, tailored learning plan in place for him since he was 18 months old. Many people have opinions about my learning path that I have in place for my son and it’s all just noise. I know what I want for my son and that’s what matters.

And the same goes for you.

Never compare your child to any other child. I was compared as a child and I remember how detrimental it was. Do not do it. Please.

Your child is the most unique, special individual on this planet. You prepare them to the highest possible standard possible for them. And when other people seem to have ‘well meaning’ things to tell you about their education, simply smile and move along.

The best 4+ Assessment Tip I've Ever Heard

I speak to hundreds of parents now every single month who are preparing their children for their 4+ Assessments.

Yesterday I heard the best 4+ Assessment tip and I wanted to share it with you.

You see what I’m hearing lately is that many of you want to hand over 4+ Assessment preparation to someone else. As in, you want your child’s nursery or pre-prep to prepare them or you want your child’s tuition centre to prepare them. After all, you’re paying good money as it is for these places, isn’t that what they should be doing?

I see it very differently.

I pay a lot of money for my son’s nursery too but guess what? I’ve never once had the thought that it is up to them to educate him. It isn’t. It is up to me. What’s their job then? Their job is to provide my son with the highest quality of care whilst he is there. That is all.

My son isn’t currently preparing for his 4+ Assessments but I educate him to the highest possible standard myself.

If your child is preparing for their 4+ Assessment, let me share with you this incredible tip that I heard yesterday from one of my clients. He top tip is this.

Don’t rely on anyone else to prepare your child for their 4+ Assessments.

And it got me thinking. The clients who have the most success in the 4+ Assessments are those that take full ownership of their child’s 4+ Assessment preparations. They are the clients who show up every single day to do even just 10 minutes of learning consistently with their children. They are the clients who take the time to ask me thousands of questions to support them to understand the 4+ Assessment process just that little bit better.

Nobody will ever care about the success of your child more than you do (no matter how good their advertising is at telling you how much they care!)